
Although he was very careful when crossing a flooded area, there are times when the vehicle broke down because the water already entered into the machine. Entry of water into the engine due to a growing pool of water high, uneven road conditions and waves of other vehicles. In order to damage the machine does not gain weight, the following AstraWorld will provide some important points that need

Safe Driving Tips
13 February 2012

News of the accident on the highway lately dominated the news in Indonesia. This is very alarming because most of the causes of the accident due to negligence of drivers, especially drivers who are affected by alcohol or drugs. Traffic accidents have an impact of course material loss such as damage to cars and public facilities, not least as well, claiming lives. Drunk driver is not the only

Muhammad Rusman kepala Cabang IAF Makassar MAKASSAR, FAJARPT ITC Auto Multi Finance atau IAF, optimis bisa menggarap pasar kredit mobil dan alat berat tahun ini. Permintaan pembiayaan kedua jenis kendaraan tersebut terus rneningkat IAF adalah salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan yang berkantor pusat di Jepang dan mulai beroperasi di Makassar sejak Oktober201 I .Perusahaan ini lebih fokuspada pembiayaan mobil dan alat berat Kepala Cabang IAF Makassar Muhammad Rusman di


My dream car is now in my hands. All because of the easy credit process from IAF Multi Finance. Thanks IAF Multi Finance.

Mrs. Niken, Surabaya

I’ve been using IAF Multi Finance service to finance my first car until my wife’s car. The process is quick, easy, and simple”

Mr. Aryo, Jakarta

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