On the car’s electrical system you use is designed with emphasis on safety factor for its users. However, there are certain cases which resulted in occurrence of short circuit or a shorted electrical systems on the car. After going konsleting will normally arise sparks that propagate to some parts of the car’s electrical lines. Such a condition may result in a burning car, especially if a spark on fuel.
To prevent the car caught fire due to a short circuit or a shorted on the electrical system, there are a few things you need to do:
1. install an extra fuse if adding accessories, including when modifying the car’s lights or horn. We recommend that you do not use a standard cable line available on the car’s electrical system and then connected directly to the cable line accessories. This will add to the load current in the wires crossed. The overloaded wires heat will be and the longer it will harden and be burned.
2. use a light bulb that fits its size. If you’re still using the standard from the manufacturer’s electrical system, do not replace bulbs with more power because it no longer fit with the size of the fuse and the power cord. If want to increase power lights to make the light brighter you should use an extra set of high quality. Then fasten the extra circuit and protect from splashes of water.
3. visual checking of the condition of the cables on the car’s electrical system, is there a cable that was bitten by a rat, chipped, or less toned. If found wires hardened, flaky, melt or bitten by rats, immediately wrap it with duct tape and electrical special immediately asked for help in the workshop technicians authorized to replace it.
4. Add the protective cables and place the extra wires on the precision. Extra circuit generally will form its own path beyond the standard manufacturer’s electrical lines. These additional lines are more prone than friction between components so that the need to add a protective heat-resistant wires and hold the cable so that the friction is not easily chipped or melted. In addition, an extra set of placement on the position precision will make cables last longer.
5. Do regular services on a regular basis. At the time of periodic servicing garage party official will do some checking on the car’s electrical system, including the condition of the battery and electrical functions. So there can be done early detection and repair if found there are things that went wrong on the car’s electrical system, before it propagates to other parts.
In General, to avoid electrocution on electricity the car we recommend using standard electrical system have been determined by the manufacturer of your vehicle. If vehicle modifications are going to do with regard to mechanical kelistrikannya, consult with experts, and always consider the safety factor.