Reduce Fatigue During Long Distance Driving
29 Jun 2012
Traveled far by driving cars, in addition to the fun of course has its own challenges. Sore-sore or a member of the body that feels pain are some of the obstacles often encountered the driver remotely. However, don’t let such constraints diminish the joy of travel. The following Tips will help you stay in shape while traveling the length.
1. keep the shape stay fit by way of getting enough sleep before traveling, consuming balanced, nutritious meals and drinking enough water. If necessary the consumption of vitamin C to keep your stamina.
2. position the seat and hold the steering wheel so you stay comfortable all the way. How to position the appropriate seating and leg length range hand to stir Your reflex making it easier when controlling the Steering, brake, step on the gas, or clutch.
3. Berkendaralah patiently and calmly, do not easily provoked emotions if there is another vehicle that is inconsiderate. Better yield to vehicles of a vehicle or inconsiderate.
4. Rest for a moment, at least 15 minutes if you’ve been driving for 2 hours. This time you can take advantage of a break to stretch muscles such as exercising lightly, makan-minum, or doing other activities to eliminate saturation.
5. If you start looking immediately spot the dismissal of drowsiness that is secure, like a GAS STATION, restaurants, rest areas, or places of recreation, please allocate to sleep even though briefly. Don’t paksakan yourself stay awake to consume coffee or energy drinks that contain caffeine. Keep in mind most efficacious medicine sleepy is sleeping.
6. do not consume alcoholic beverages because it will reduce the concentration and reflexes You while driving. Reduced concentration and reflex while driving can increase the risk of accidents on the road could be self-defeating as well as other riders.
Source: Astraworld

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