Accu maintenance Highly Determining Resistance
09 Mar 2012

Accu Care is needed to maintain durability and performance of the battery remains good. Given the task of turning the engine when the battery is a first time starter, so the effect is not strong starter usually occurs during the morning. Therefore, it needs more attention than routine maintenance that we do in the official workshops. Things that need to be taken to ensure that conditions remain good battery life and maximum age:

1. For wet batteries, always check the condition of water accu remains positioned between the lower and upper. Add a blue water bottle batteries (batteries not zuur) if the amount is reduced. This is important because when the machine is alive there will be charging from the alternator to the battery which can generate heat if the water is less accu. When it occurs less accu water heat in his cell batteries and can result in a curve. The worst risk, short circuit occurs in the cells so that batteries can not keep current.

2. Keep the battery poles clean of mold. If there is mold attached to the poles of the batteries, immediately doused with hot water. After that off pole batteries, clean with fine sandpaper, then reinstall. Give grease (fat) in the outer circumference sufficiently accu polar rust that are not easily occur.

3. Turn off lights, air conditioning and audio before turning off the engine. Better yet, do not immediately turn off the machine after all the electrical confirmed dead. The goal is to keep recharging the batteries that occurred during the morning starter will be easier because the stock is still a lot of Strum on batteries.

4. If the car in a long time not in use (more than 1 week) should remove the negative battery terminal to Strum is not wasted constantly. Better yet, if the car can be turned on every day, so no need to disconnect the negative battery terminal.

5. Do not be too often turn on the audio when the engine is off when the engine died because of course there is no electrical charge but remain unused.

Normally, the average age of the batteries 1.5 – 2 years, and with the care and use of the above it can be a maximum age of the batteries.

* Source: Astraworld


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