Relocation Branch Office Pondok Pinang
12 Aug 2019

Dear Valued Customers,

As of July 31, 2018, Pondok Pinang branch office located at Ruko Pinang Center Blok A-20 Jl. Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Raya, South Jakarta, 12310, moved to Ruko Bona Indah Plaza Blok A2 / B Kav. 10, Jl. Karang Tengah Raya, Kel. Lebak Bulus, Kec. Cilandak, South Jakarta, 12440, with telephone number: 021-7515866 / 021-22763289

Thus to be known.


My dream car is now in my hands. All because of the easy credit process from IAF Multi Finance. Thanks IAF Multi Finance.

Mrs. Niken, Surabaya

I’ve been using IAF Multi Finance service to finance my first car until my wife’s car. The process is quick, easy, and simple”

Mr. Aryo, Jakarta

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