Increasing number of vehicles will affect the increasing air pollution. Combustion engine exhaust gases are expelled through the exhaust of vehicles can pollute the air. Exhaust gas or vehicle emissions contain substances harmful to human health, especially the emissions resulting from the combustion is less than perfect. Hazardous substances are among others:
1. CO (carbon monoxide) gas is colorless and odorless, but toxic. When humans breathe in CO levels quite a lot and beyond human endurance it could lead to fainting could die.
2. CO2 (carbon dioxide), the gas is very dangerous global warming will have disastrous natural disasters on the world stage.
3. NOX (nitrogen oxide), this gas can cause eye irritation and respiratory disorders may even result in shortness of breath.
4. HC (hydro-carbon), gas is produced from incomplete combustion by the engine, so there was still some unburned gasoline vapors that come out through the exhaust gas in the exhaust.
To anticipate the effects of vehicle emissions on humans and the environment, government and Trademark Holder Agent (APM) together perform anticipatory measures to reduce exhaust emissions from motor vehicles. The steps taken by the government such as by tightening emissions testing standards and improve fuel quality. Agent Brand Holder played a role as well as to create a minimum standard of Euro 2 engine so that the exhaust gas generated emissions testing standards.
In addition, awareness of owners and motorists to treat and minimize emission vehicles also need to be improved. The goal is that the negative effects of vehicle exhaust gases does not exceed the threshold so as to endanger myself, my family, other people or the environment. Some things need to be done by the owners and motorists to reduce exhaust emissions:
Melakukan uji emisi secara berkala, misalnya dengan mengikuti uji emisi Save Our World yang diadakan oleh AstraWorld”>> Conduct periodic emissions testing, for example by following the Save Our World emission test conducted by AstraWorld
Melakukan service berkala secara rutin sesuai dengan petunjuk buku service”>> Perform regular service intervals in accordance with the instructions books service
Apabila gas buang knalpot tercium bau menyengat atau berasap tidak wajar segera lakukan pengecekan di bengkel”>> If the flue gas exhaust smells pungent or smoky unnatural immediately do checks in the workshop
Menggunakan bahan bakar yang sesuai dengan anjuran APM”>> Using fuel as recommended by APM
Tidak perlu terlalu lama memanaskan mesin, cukup 2 – 3 menit”>> No need to heat up the engine too long, just 2-3 minutes
Memasang filter pada knalpot”>> Install the filter on the exhaust
Source: AstraWorld