Changing the order of the Right Tires
04 Jun 2012

If your car tire is leaking or flat, and requires you to change your own tire without help from others, of course you need to know the basics and the correct sequence to change a tire. After making sure the car in a safe condition, do the replacement tires in the order below:

A. Attach the emergency brake and place the transmission rod in position P if your car is automatic transmission, or in the N position if the manual transmission. Instead, chock the tires diagonal to the end that the car does not move when inflated.

2. Prepare the equipment to change a tire as wheel locks, jack and tools to lower the spare tire.

3. Lower the spare tire from the holder with caution. Once the spare tire off, put under the car body, near the tire to be replaced.

4. Loosen the bolts / wheel nuts to be replaced, with a counter-clockwise to cross. The position of the bolt / nut is quite relaxed, do not let loose.

5. Car jack according to its position so as not to damage the car body or other components. Vehicle jack point you can see in the vehicle owner manuals.

6. Remove the bolt / nut on the tire to be replaced in turn. Then remove the tire from the axle, then put it in a safe place.

7. Replace the spare tire, followed by mounting bolts / wheel nuts. Tighten bolts / nuts and the wheels are equally appropriate cross-clockwise.

8. Lower the jack is berlahan, then tighten the nuts / bolts to the wheel with a force equal firmness ± 10-12 kg. Do not be too strong for the wheel bolts can be broken.

9. Trim back the jack and its equipment replacement tires, store them in place. Replace the tires are substituted in place of the spare tire and the tire deflated immediately so that the spare tire in ready to use.

Thus the order of replacement tires in the replacement tire right to run smoothly and not cause damage to other components.


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