The alignment of the balance wheel in a corner and prop up the load the vehicle is extremely important for comfort and stability of the vehicle. Therefore, do not take for granted the problem, because it can cause a negative effect when the car his spooring condition is not good. The effect is going to be car unstable and unbalanced, especially at high speed, the car will be more hard ridden. For the driver, these conditions will cause rapid fatigue because we have to concentrate more balance wheel. This can be overcome by doing Spooring and Balancing on your vehicle.
We recommend that you do spooring and balancing if the vehicle you are experiencing symptoms on as below:
1. Vibration in the steering wheel,
2. the uneven tire Wear,
3. steering wheel is heavier than usual,
4. steering wheel not turning back to its original position, when the steering wheel is lifted after playing to one side as being the road,
5. the position of the steering wheel not straight even though the vehicle runs straight,
6. steering wheel tends to pull to one side,
7. steering wheel hard controlled when passing uneven roads.
Do some checking and steering components conditions the legs so that the vehicle spooring and balancing the maximum results. In anticipation of the symptoms mentioned earlier, perform regular maintenance according to the schedule set by the holder of Trademark Agent (APM).
Source: AstraWorld