
A lot of preparation that you should do before traveling mudik Lebaran. Ranging from transport, accommodation, personal needs, also that is not less important financial preparation. For those of you who are going to use the private cars go Lebaran should do checking of the car earlier, if necessary a month before Idul Fitri. Do car service earlier will get some of the advantages are: First, the cost

The car is basically a hybrid car that has more than one source of power to drive the wheels. As for as example source power generated from the engine and battery. Used hybrid cars with oil-fueled engine in General. As for the battery using a battery bervoltase high (high voltage battery) are safe and do not require recharging. The battery used hybrid cars already equipped with a generator

The alignment of the balance wheel in a corner and prop up the load the vehicle is extremely important for comfort and stability of the vehicle. Therefore, do not take for granted the problem, because it can cause a negative effect when the car his spooring condition is not good. The effect is going to be car unstable and unbalanced, especially at high speed, the car will be


My dream car is now in my hands. All because of the easy credit process from IAF Multi Finance. Thanks IAF Multi Finance.

Mrs. Niken, Surabaya

I’ve been using IAF Multi Finance service to finance my first car until my wife’s car. The process is quick, easy, and simple”

Mr. Aryo, Jakarta

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