
Traveled far by driving cars, in addition to the fun of course has its own challenges. Sore-sore or a member of the body that feels pain are some of the obstacles often encountered the driver remotely. However, don’t let such constraints diminish the joy of travel. The following Tips will help you stay in shape while traveling the length. 1. keep the shape stay fit by way of

When going on vacation, some people prefer to use public transport and private vehicles left at home, Office or car care place. If you leave the car for a vacation in a period of time long enough, and without care, you certainly need to make sure the car stay safe and undamaged. A few things you need to consider before leaving the car including:   1. before going

Often we hear or see the appeal for respect for pedestrians. This happens because there are many motorists who do not respect the rights of pedestrians. For example, the crossing or parking on sidewalks. In order to create a sense of mutual respect among road users, here we provide driving guidance that respects the rights of pedestrians. First, when driving in the slow lane at the left (closest


My dream car is now in my hands. All because of the easy credit process from IAF Multi Finance. Thanks IAF Multi Finance.

Mrs. Niken, Surabaya

I’ve been using IAF Multi Finance service to finance my first car until my wife’s car. The process is quick, easy, and simple”

Mr. Aryo, Jakarta

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