
Turn signal to be one means of communication with other riders while on the road. As an important communication tool, there are still motorists who use the turn signal is on time and function. In fact, if used correctly, the turn signal can reduce the risk of accidents and do not interfere with other riders. Some important things we need to know about using the turn signal in

You may have heard the news about the vehicle that was stopped on the shoulder of the highway and was hit from behind by another vehicle overtaking on the left-most lane or shoulder of the road. Whoever does not want this incident happened to us or the family. Therefore, we should understand the function of the highway shoulder. Highway shoulder is intended as a place to stop vehicles

If your car tire is leaking or flat, and requires you to change your own tire without help from others, of course you need to know the basics and the correct sequence to change a tire. After making sure the car in a safe condition, do the replacement tires in the order below: A. Attach the emergency brake and place the transmission rod in position P if your


My dream car is now in my hands. All because of the easy credit process from IAF Multi Finance. Thanks IAF Multi Finance.

Mrs. Niken, Surabaya

I’ve been using IAF Multi Finance service to finance my first car until my wife’s car. The process is quick, easy, and simple”

Mr. Aryo, Jakarta

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